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Nicholas Dale
Hi there,
My Name is Nicholas Dale and last year l got diagnosed with ALCL Non Hodgins Lymphoma and l have undergone various types of chemotherapy. In June 2016. l underwent a bone marrow transplant after 109 days l was finally released after complications with the transplant. My 'now' focus is on getting back to being healthy and enjoying life.
During my time my family got help from the leukaemia foundation who provided my family with accomodation which saved my family financial stress and has given me support to get me back on my feet which is why this cause is so close to my heart since l am now cancer free and getting back into the world. My goal know is to help others who are experiencing this very devastating disease and give them every chance of surviving that was given to me.
I have decided to make a difference by creating my very own fundraising appeal for charity the Leukaemia foundation. Myself and my team will be participating in Stadium Stomp 2018 this winter and will be climbing thousands of stairs within the SCG for the Leukaemia foundation to ensure those suffering get the support they need to get them through this tough time. I would love it if you supported my efforts by making a secure donation. I would also really appreciate it if you could share my page above or comment below so more people know about it.
Click 'Donate Now' to make a secure online donation.
Thanks so much for your support!
The Leukaemia Foundation of Australia
The Leukaemia Foundation is the only national not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the care and cure of patients and families living with blood cancers ( leukaemia , lymphoma, myeloma) and related blood disorders.
The Leukaemia Foundation supports patients and their families by providing services at no cost to the patient. Our services include providing disease specific information, emotional support and advocacy, financial assistance, educational programs to help people live with their disease, safe transport to and from treatments and access to fully furnished 'home away from home' accommodation for regional families.
Millions of dollars are also invested annually to Australia’s leading researchers to develop better treatments and eventually a cure.
The Leukaemia Foundation receives no ongoing government funding and relies on money raised from the community to continue to support patients and their families affected by leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma or related blood disorder.